Woodbridge-based ABMM Financial growing swiftly
Woodbridge-based ABMM Financial growing swiftly
Woodbridge, NJ, January 9, 2015

TAGS: ABMM Financial, David Ciotta, Independent Financial Advisors, New Jersey


Fast on the heels of its launch in mid-October, Woodbridge-based ABMM Financial is well ahead of schedule to reach projected goals management has set for the onboarding of independent financial advisors within the state of New Jersey, said CEO David B. Ciotta in a news release.

ABMM also has made significant strides in advisor recruitment since the launch in Connecticut and Florida. The company has recruited 18 reps throughout the three states.

“Our business model is definitely striking a chord with veteran financial professionals,” Ciotta said. “Those who have joined ABMM thus far have been quick to recognize that we are committed to helping them build their business by providing them with a unique opportunity to work independently, and at the same time gain access to a high level of marketing, educational and administrative support and services that typically only career advisors get from their employers.”

According to Ciotta, independent advisors who become part of ABMM’s national network of financial advisors will have the added advantage of working with an organization whose leadership team has more than 75 years of public sector retirement planning experience, and who live and breathe this business, not just dabble in it.

Ciotta explained that the suite of marketing, educational and administrative services ABMM Financial will provide its advisors is comparable to what major financial services companies provide to their in-house advisors. These services will include marketing, operations, technology, financial capital management, association relationships, and industry training, compliance and advocacy. For more information, visit abmmfinancial.revsystems.net.




ABMM Financial Contact Info

1011 Route 22
Suite 104
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
P (732) 475-0340
F (732) 391-4284